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A woman standing in the ocean in a serene meditation pose, with her eyes closed and one hand over . The calm water surrounds her, reflecting the soft light of the sky, creating a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere.

Heal the Deepest Layers of Your Being. Live Wild & Free.


If you dream about having a clear sense of purpose, creating a harmonious relationship to self, and riding the waves of life with more ease and grace - welcome.


This is where you liberate what’s in the way - the emotions, hurt, and trauma - so that you can heal the deepest layers of your being and be free.

Carla standing in the ocean, gazing thoughtfully into the distance, with the water gently surrounding her.

Hey, Lovely. I’m Carla.

Women’s Healing Guide and Akashic Record Reader. Water Guru. Nature Lover.

The desire to address your wounding, to break old patterns, to untangle yourself from default reactivity - you carry it because you’re meant to be free.

You’re meant to live life unaffected by the past and fully present in the here and now. Noticing the immense beauty and ease that’s possible in every moment.

You’re also meant to experience the magic of your inner wisdom - and to live connected to the spiritual realm that’s always available to you.

Over the past 8 years, I’ve liberated myself from what’s held me captive and unable to be the fullest expression of myself. 

This journey awakened me to my true purpose in this life: to guide women on their healing journeys, helping them to reconnect with their true selves, release limiting beliefs, and embrace their inner wisdom and strength.

Today, I’m honored to use a powerful toolkit that includes guided meditations, energy healing techniques + protection, inner child work, womb healing, and past life regressions to support my clients in uncovering and addressing their deepest wounds and traumas.

It’s been powerful to witness the liberation my clients experience again and again. Now, it’s your turn :)

A woman standing in the ocean, joyfully throwing water into the air around her. The droplets sparkle in the sunlight as she smiles, capturing a moment of playful connection with the water and nature.

Let's Begin


Energetic Alignment

Private Experience

An in-depth healing session designed to free you from the unconscious emotions, fears, and energies that are currently stuck in your body so you can reclaim your power. These sessions can focus specifically on the womb or full-body alignment.

Find the Home Within

Group Experience

A sacred journey to reconnect you with your body and its wisdom and free you of trapped emotions and energies so you can emerge confidently wielding your inner compass and more.

Empowered Journey

1:1 Mentorship

A multipart mentorship designed to help you understand your soul's purpose, activate your inner wisdom and intuitive gifts, and step into your authentic self.

This was my first time doing an Akashic records reading and I didn’t know what to expect. Carla helped me feel at ease immediately which allowed me to be open and receptive to what information was to come. I found the experience to be quite unique in terms of the visualization meditation which immediately sparked my curiosity and questions that followed. The answers I received were very healing and specific to issues I didn’t even know to address. I felt so connected to divine spirit during and beyond the session. Carla has a very gentle and comforting way about her which I find very helpful when working with guides and healers. 

Olivia G

Boat on Still Water

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Grab a free copy of my ebook and start unlocking your body's codes and cues.

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