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Carla standing in the ocean with water flying around here

Find the Home Within

A 8 week program to anchor you into your body and soul, aligning you on your path ahead. 

Up until this moment - you’ve been immersed in the journey of building your life.


You went to University.

You got the job.

You moved up the ladder.

You fell in love.

You got the pretty apartment.



Doing everything you were “supposed” to has not resulted in feeling the way

you want to feel.









Instead, you can’t help noticing that you crave more.


There’s a knowingness inside you that whispers


“I’m here to make my mark on the world.”

“I’m meant to go deeper than this.”

“There is a gift I am meant to unlock.”

“I have a purpose.”


You’re intrigued by this voice.

Carla standing in a meditative pose in from on the ocean

Which is why you’ve been seeking to understand it fully - to understand what it is that you’re really meant for.


You’ve been noticing how it speaks to you. And you’ve been noticing the external clues that reinforce its wisdom -


You are meant for more.


So, you’ve dabbled …







You’ve read books, listened to podcasts, attended workshops, seen mediums…


But still, there’s something in the way of you finding the clarity you desire most.

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Hi, I'm Carla Jans!

Women's Healing Guide & Akashic Record Reader

For many years I explored the world, my relationships, and various jobs and I always knew there was something missing. A puzzle piece. I had yet to find. My true calling. My true self. I had this deep desire to find home.

For years, I felt lost, exploring more and desiring more. More knowledge. More adventures. Yet it scared me thinking I would never find that missing piece. In 2022, I herniated a disc in my back and in that moment I could see the full misalignment in my life. It was months of utter pain and lack of independence. I truly took that time to listen to what my body needed. I followed the signs. 


I found the Akashic Records. The blueprint to my soul. It unlocked the bigger picture, wisdom, memories, emotions, past lives, my true inner knowing. It brought me the most pure and simple messages to assist me on my journey forward. Helping me to see the next steps and actions to take.

I found my HOME. 


It was the missing piece. The full drop into my soul and my own body. Deepening my understanding and connection with my body. Listening to its messages. Diving deeper as it called me to explore these undiscovered waters of my inner child, past lives, true being. Listening and witnessing my emotions, processing through them and untangling the web within. 


Utilizing the wisdom of the Records, and my own body’s knowledge to navigate me home. Allow the untangling to begin. Unfolding and creating a new tapestry. Of me. 


Pulling the threads of nutrition, connection to source, my spirit team, the deep connection with my body, the sacred waters, my Sirian starfamily, honoring my body and my cycle.


The world didn’t seem so impossible anymore. It became my playground. To enjoy. To be. It was my calling back to me.

Alix V.

"Doing the womb mentorship with Carla was a wonderful experience. Carla has such a gentle and nurturing energy and was able to hold so much space for me through our journey together. With Carla's intuitive guidance and by incorporating the beautiful healing practices that she suggested I was able to access + release some deep seeded wounds that I was carrying with me. Carla is a gifted guide and encouraged me to seek my own answers, as well as sharing from her deep well of knowledge. I would happily encourage anyone who is on the fence about working with Carla to dive in!

Let’s untangle the inner web to start to know you more deeply and find your way back home… to you.

Meet the Home Within

A 8-week group experience designed to reconnect you with your body and its wisdom, introduce you to your spirit and guidance team, and free you of trapped emotions and energy so you can emerge confidently wielding your inner compass and so much more.

How it Works:

Week 1: Sacred Space & Body Talk

This week will be laying the foundation to create sacred space for our practice, rituals and create a devotion to ourselves. We will connect you deeply to your body, deepening your understanding and connection to your clairs, how your body speaks and understanding your inner signals. We will cultivate a practice of calling back our power and deepening our connection with ourselves.

Week 2: Energy Protection

This week is dedicated to learning about energy, how to protect our energy, and understanding discernment for various frequencies. We will also be connecting to our high self to get a deeper clarity on who we are.

Week 3: Spirit Guides

This week we will connect to our main healing guide who will be assisting us in the upcoming weeks. Developing a connection with our guidance team can help us to feel a deeper sense of support and safe on our journey.

Week 4-7: Diving Deep

During these weeks, we will be diving deep into ourselves through various methods. We will be identifying trapped emotions and energies, tracing them back to their root cause. We will start to learn the lessons from and work to clear them out of the body. Re-writing our story and anchoring it into this lesson as we move forward on our path. These weeks we will get deeper clarity on who we are and what next steps to take.

Week 8: Akashic Records & Soul Gifts

This week is dedicated to connecting you to your Akashic Records, allowing you to gain even more clarity on your path ahead. Your guides will also be gifting you with a special item to assist you on your journey forward.

The Results

In 8 weeks, you will:​

  • Reconnect with Body: Understanding your internal cues, your clair, listening to your body talk

  • Spiritual Growth: Connect more deeply with your spiritual guides and higher self, enhancing your spiritual journey

  • Healing and Integration: Experience deep healing and integrate past experiences into a cohesive understanding of yourself

  • Energy Protection & Discernment: Learn to protect your energy and call back your power - stepping into you and your full essence

  • Enhanced Intuition: Cultivate and trust your inner knowing

  • Increased Self-Love: Develop a deeper appreciation and love for yourself

  • Achieve Emotional Freedom: Release trapped emotions and energies, gaining a sense of emotional liberation

  • Stronger Boundaries: Learn to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships

  • Authentic Living: Live in alignment with your true self and values

  • Enhanced Clarity: Gain a clearer understanding of your life's direction and purpose

  • Empowerment: Develop confidence in your decisions and actions

  • Find Your Home: It’s been there all along

What's Included:

Mentorship: Personal guidance and support by me

Community: A community of women connecting deeply to their feminine power.

Coaching Calls: Weekly 60-90 min group coaching calls (recorded)

Meditations: To anchor you into the body and dive deep into the soul. We will connect to the Akashic Records each session for an Akashic journey.

Practices and Rituals: To connect your deep into the body and understand more deeply how your body talks and allow you to get answers and messages from your spirit team. 

Discounts on 1:1 Services: There will be a special discount for all 1:1 services during the 8 week program if needed extra support. Plus Bonus 1:1 Call (if you sign up before August 4): Private 60-min call individualized coaching call


This is for you if...

  • Know there is something more for you but haven’t identified exactly what it is

  • Feel a disconnection from your true self and inner knowing

  • Struggle to connect or feel your emotions fully or understand where they are coming from

  • Are seeking clarity on your soul's purpose and what you are meant to do 

  • Feel you are on the right track but still feel there is a missing piece

  • Are getting pulled back into patterns and stories and not able to identify the root of where they are coming from

  • Feel stuck in your head and not fully connected to your soul and true being

  • Fears of being seen for who you truly are or stepping into your power with confidence and ease


Take a moment to breathe. Inhale deeply, and then exhale. How does that feel in your body?

Do you sense any resistance? Did your body relax or tighten? Did you notice anything at all?

Perhaps your mind started racing with just that one breath.

Now, take another deep breath. Notice the sensations in your body. What does your body want you to know?


Ask yourself these questions: Are you ready to take the leap? Are you ready to find your way back home within? 

Listen for your inner guidance and if you are ready to take that next step...

Program Details

8 Week Program

NEW START: September 12 to October 31

Live Class Time

Thursdays: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm MST

Please reach out if Thursday does not work as a second time slot may be added.

Calls will be between 75-90 mins, all calls will be recorded.

Soul Investment: $655

Next Cohort starts in 2025. 

Payment plans available upon request. 

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I am blown away by the change in my life in just four sessions. Carla took the time to get to know my situation, and to help me connect to my guides to heal the parts of myself that needed healing. This experience has shown me that I am always supported even if I can't see my guides, which gives me more confidence in my decisions. I feel lighter and have learned to trust my gut, and trust that everything will come in its own time :D This has shown me that I don't need to control everything or need to have answers right away. I am so thankful for Carla and this mentorship. I am so thankful I said yes.

Rebecca D.

One last soul connect

If you are here, then you know your soul is calling to you to find that missing piece, to anchor you deeper into your being, your true self. You know there is more for you and it's time to unlock that inner knowledge to move you forward on your path ahead. It's an invite to take that leap and follow those breadcrumbs that brought you here today. I can't wait to show you the way and cheer you on!

Much love, 



© 2024 Carla Jans

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