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Flow & Balance


October 18, 2024

7-9 PM​

Aradia Fitness South

Are you feeling…


Overwhelmed by the busyness of life?

Your mind is racing, and it’s hard to slow down?
Finding it hard to tune into your inner wisdom?
Energy feeling blocked or stagnant?
Craving some calm amidst the chaos?

If so, we want you to know this…

These experiences often point to one thing—an imbalance in the flow of energy.


And just as water needs to flow freely to remain pure and vibrant, so too does the energy within us.


So, how do we bring this flow back?

By reconnecting with our body’s energy centers and the sacred waters within us.


Our bodies are made up of about 70% water, and this internal flow mirrors the energetic pathways that run through us, particularly through our chakras.


When these pathways are blocked, we lose connection with ourselves, feeling out of tune with our intuition, emotions, and physical well-being.


This is where Reiki and the Akashic Records come in.


These powerful healing tools allow us to clear energetic blockages, reconnect to our inner flow, and align with the deeper wisdom that resides in our bodies.

In this 2-hour ceremony, you will be guided through:

  • An exploration of the sacred waters within your body, understanding how they connect with your energy centers (chakras).


  • A guided meditation accompanied by Reiki to release blockages, restore balance, and activate the flow of energy in your chakras and calm the body.

This is a sacred practice of reconnection—both with your body and with the universal flow of life.

Meet Your Guides

  • 2 hr

    72 Canadian dollars

Have questions about the workshop? Don't hesitate to reach out. 

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