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My Journey of Healing and Self-Discovery

My story is a tapestry woven with adventure, heartbreak, and profound spiritual awakenings. Each thread represents a pivotal moment in my life that brought me closer to understanding myself and the path I am meant to walk.

Growing up on a farm, my childhood was filled with the simple joys of nature—playing outside, helping in the garden, and getting dirty just for the fun of it. My parents worked full-time in the city, and when they returned home, it was straight to farm work. By the time I was 7 or 8, I taught myself to cook so I could have meals ready for them when they got home. Cooking became my responsibility, as my two older sisters never took to it the way I did. I loved to nourish others and create delicious healthy meals. 

As a teenager, I stayed active through sports like basketball and cross-country running. Despite this, I was shy and found it hard to maintain friendships. My focus on academics often led me to isolate myself, spending more time on grades than on socializing. The loss of a friend to cancer in grade 6, along with another friend moving away, made me withdraw even more. I kept small circles of friends, but these circles seemed to rotate yearly, and I never felt like I truly fit into my small town. There was always a sense of something more out there for me, something I couldn’t quite define.

After graduation, still uncertain about my true calling, I chose to study Nutrition and Food Science, driven by my love for food, nutrition, and health. Moving from my small town to the big city was an eye-opening experience, offering a world of new opportunities. I expanded in ways I hadn't expected—trying new cuisines, navigating life on my own, and embracing a whole new world. 

However, during my studies, I realized that I didn’t want to simply advise people on what to eat; I wanted to transform the way we approach food altogether. I thought I’d found my purpose, but my first job in the food industry quickly shattered that illusion. The relentless focus on profit over health crushed my sense of purpose.

Still driven by a desire to find myself and my true calling, I turned to travel and exploration. In 2013, fresh out of university, I gifted myself a two-month solo trip to South Africa and Tanzania. This was my first taste of true freedom—a sense of liberation that came with a deep sense of purpose. In South Africa, I volunteered at a Cheetah Breeding Camp, working on conservation efforts and caring for these majestic animals. I pushed the boundaries of my fears, from shark cage diving to bungee jumping,  and discovered a strength I didn’t know I had.

Tanzania was a different kind of adventure, one that opened my eyes to the pure joy that can exist even in the simplest of lives. I taught math and English to children with disabilities, whose radiant smiles and happiness taught me more than any textbook ever could. They showed me that contentment isn't tied to material wealth, but to the richness of the spirit. These experiences left a deep mark on my soul, transforming my perspective and lightening my heart in ways that others noticed when I returned home.

But life has a way of balancing light with darkness. In 2014, my world crumbled when I discovered my boyfriend of six and a half years had been unfaithful—with my best friend. The betrayal sent me spiraling into a deep depression. The pain was suffocating, and I found myself walking on eggshells around the remnants of my social circle. I knew I needed a clean slate, so I cut ties with everyone, starting anew and seeking solace in new connections. This heartbreak taught me a hard lesson in self-worth, one that would resurface in my work years later as I helped others heal their own deep-seated wounds.

Still unclear of my path ahead, 2017 was a year of exploration. I had reached the peak of my career at the time, holding a supervisory position quickly into my first "big" job after university. But something within me knew that this was not my final destination. So, I did the unthinkable—I quit my job, sold everything I owned, and embarked on a journey that was supposed to last five years. For nine months, I lived out my "YES" year, travelling through South and Central America, hiking volcanoes, learning to sail, and endless other adventures. Here nature and travel revived me and helped me to rediscover the vibrant, free-spirited version of myself that I had lost along the way. 

But life had other plans, and I returned home early due to a family member's illness and to explore a new relationship. Though I made the choice to come back, the abrupt end to my travels plunged me into another depression, and I struggled with a deep sense of failure.

In an effort to lift my spirits, I turned back to food for comfort. I enrolled in the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, becoming a Culinary Nutrition Expert, and delved into holistic culinary practices. This reignited my joy and renewed my passion for changing the way we approach food, reconnecting me with the whole foods I was raised on. This journey also led me to study Practical Herbalism at Wild Rose College, weaving herbs into everyday cooking and living. Food and nature became my grounding forces, helping me find stability and purpose each day.

In 2020, my path took another unexpected turn at a women’s festival. It was here that I was introduced to Lemuria—and gifted a small Lemurian crystal that resonated with a frequency I had never felt before. That tiny little crystal made me nauseous each time I took it out of the envelope. It engulfed me with this unease in my body, one I could not explain. I knew I needed to learn more about it, and understand this feeling inside me. So the next morning I headed to the presenter's crystal booth, I was overwhelmed by an unknown energy that brought me to tears. The woman running the booth looked into my eyes and said, "Welcome home."

Those two words ignited a curiosity in me that led me deeper into the metaphysical realm. Later that night at the festival, during a cacao ceremony, I even connected with my grandmother, who had passed away years earlier. These experiences unlocked a door within me, leading me down a path of spiritual exploration and connection with my ancestors and various galactic races that felt strangely familiar.

Then, in 2022, my journey took a physical turn when I suffered a bulged disc in my back. This forced me to slow down, look inward, and understand the deeper issues causing this physical manifestation and misalignment in my soul. The pain was excruciating, and I found myself completely dependent on my partner, unable to even dress myself. Through this experience, I learned to listen to my body’s wisdom, trust it, be aware of it, and use it to guide my decisions and path ahead. The more you listen to how your body speaks to you, the easier and more in-flow life can be. [ More on this journey here.]

Around the same time, I kept encountering references to the Akashic Records—a concept that intrigued me but also made me skeptical. On a whim, I booked a solo retreat outside the city and decided to have my first Akashic Records reading. I had no idea what to expect, having never even had a tarot or psychic reading before. But the experience was transformative. The reader brought up details about my life that she couldn’t have known, and everything resonated deeply. When I asked about a recurring vision, she revealed it was linked to a past life that held the key to my current struggles with trust and relationships. The experience cracked me wide open, and I knew there was more to learn here. I attended courses, went to retreats, and soon, everything started to unfold. My gifts began to unlock, and my sense of being and purpose flowed in. I started to know myself again.

As I turned inward, connected with myself, and got introduced to my spirit team, a new level of self-understanding emerged. I began learning about chakras, energy protection, navigating life as an empath, galactic star families, and trusting myself. I explored different spiritual modalities, including the Akashic Records, tarot, oracle, and mediumship. I started doing energy readings for others, and it came to me quickly and easily. Within two months of learning, I was already connecting to my own Akashic Records and reading for others with confidence. It was a deep remembering of myself and my gifts, realizing that in past lives, I had been an Akashic Records reader. It felt natural, like a new unraveling and remembering of the true me.

While in the Records, I began to connect deeply with my galactic star family, the Sirians. On their beautiful water planet, I found a profound sense of calm and grounding. As I explored this connection further, I discovered the powerful link between water and healing. Our human bodies are primarily made of water, and I realized that the more we work with these waters, the more profound our healing can be. This journey led me to dive deep into my own womb space, connecting with the waters within me and gaining a deeper understanding of myself and my body.

I began to recognize and witness the emotions and traumas stored deep within the water cells of my body, lying stagnant and waiting to be acknowledged. This marked the beginning of a true journey as I started to unravel these streams within myself—emotions and memories that had shaped me yet still held onto and controlled me. They influenced how I responded, how I reacted, and how I lived my life. The deeper I delved into my own waters, the clearer I became about the knowledge of the womb, the waters, and my true path ahead.

Looking back, every challenge, every adventure, and every heartbreak has been a stepping stone on my path to self-discovery and healing. I’ve learned to trust my body, listen to its wisdom, and let it guide me. And through the Akashic Records, the waters, I’ve found a deeper connection to my soul's journey, one that continues to unfold with each passing day. My story is far from over, but I walk forward with a sense of purpose and a lightness that comes from truly knowing myself.



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